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Dorn Method

Dorn Method

The Dorn Method is a gentle vertebrae and joint treatment. It can be helpful for treating illnesses directly or indirectly connected to the spinal column. It is completely safe but still very effective. No medication is needed and no medical training is necessary to use the method successfully. It can be learned and mastered easily; all you need is sensitive, healthy hands. The method is based on the notion that our skeleton should be symmetrical, harmonic and in static-dynamic alignment equilibrium. When we 'upset' this 'bone order' our joints may be moved out of place especially in the spine, and cause various pains and disorders. When the skeleton is re-aligned people feel better and symptoms of illness can disappear or abate. It also involves the correction of uneven leg length which can be diagnosed in almost every human today. Due to this problem the pelvis becomes twisted and this often results in an asymmetrical, crooked or displaced spinal column.

Dorn method is different from Chiropractic form of treatment. In the Dorn method, the treatment or correction of joint or spinal cord misalignments always takes place in a 'dynamic’ or moving action. It has been observed that muscles while trying to hold the positions of misaligned joints and spine, assume 'wrong' position as the correct one and hold it there. Chiropractic treatment goes for static correction. However, during static correction as done in chiropractic method of treatment, the strength of the holding muscles needs to be overcome and the patient is often quite tense since the treatment is done ´on´ them and not ´with´ them.

International Education Siciety London
International Education Siciety London International Education Siciety London

2 days

Massage Courses: Dorn Method, Massage Schools Dexter Academy:

Massage courses Dorn Method in:
United Kingdom: LONDON
Price: 200 EUR / 2 days
Czech Republic: PRAGUE
Price: 200 EUR / 2 days
Date: 26 - 27 October 2010 (9 - 17 hod), English
Price: 200 EUR / 2 days
Price: 200 EUR / 2 days
Date: 21 - 22.11.2011

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